Web Factory Handbook - Frames

Edit a Frame Design

To add additional frames to the frame design:

  1. Click inside a frame.
    The New Frame box will be displayed.
    1. Select More frames horizontally.
      A new frame will be added below the current frame.
    2. Select More frames vertically.
      A new frame will be added beside the current frame.
  2. Follow the instructions in Design a Frame Page to add the URL to the frame.

    Note: You can also use the Right Click menu or Frames menu to add new horizontally or vertically placed frames.

To delete a frame from the frame design:

  1. Click inside the frame that you want to delete.
  2. Click the right mouse button.
    The Right Click Pop-Up Menu is displayed.
  3. Select Delete Frame
    The frame will be eliminated from the design.

    Note: You can also use the Edit menu to delete a frame.

    This Web page created in Web Factory.